(UNVERIFIED) Complete a Survey and Get Rs.50 Paytm cash

Nielsen Paytm Led Survey:-Hi There, I hope you are enjoying our free recharge Tricks and hacks.First, i Would like you to inform that we are changing our broadcast Number from 7062797276 to 7062797380 So please save this number to get updates in Future.Survey

There is a Survey offering Rs.50 Paytm Cash on Completing. Just Complete and give answers all required questions and You will get Rs.50 Paytm Cash After 48 Hours.I Don’t have proof but it is mentioned on the completion page.

How to Get Rs.50 Paytm Cash For Completing Survey:-

  1. Visit Offer Page From here And Start Your Survey.
  2. You will be asked Many Questions.
  3. Remember Choose Age 25-30, City-Bangalore, LED (Syska)
  4. I recommend to choose Syska LED and Complete all question.
  5. On Completion enter Your Email ID for Future Communication.
  6. Done, You will get Rs.50 Paytm cash within 48 Hours ( UNVERIFIED)
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Sonu Gupta Is Founder of Bigtricks .in, Part-Time Blogger. He Likes Blogging and Coding. His Life is - Eat -- Code -- Sleep -- Repeat