BulbSmash Cash App Loot: You Might Remember Bulbsmash App Loot.Bulbsmash Recently launched a new gaming App named Bulbsmah Cash, this app is not available on play store so you can download it directly from google chrome or UC Browser.
You will Get Rs.20 instantly on signup and Rs.11 for each friend you refer to install the app.once your friend downloads and install the app you will get the amount in Wallet.You can redeem it once you have Rs.50 in the wallet and the best part is it’s instant so you will get Paytm cash Instantly.
How To Get Paytm cash From BulbSmash Cash App:
1.Download BulbSmash cash App From This Link.DOWNLOAD NOW
2.Now Just Install the App (to Install this app You need to go to settings and enable Unknown Sources)
Signup using Facebook and Proceed – it will ask referral code enter to get Rs.20
3.Now Open App and Enter Referral Code: sonugpc![Bulb Smash Cash App : Get Rs.20 on Signup & Rs.11 Per Referral [Paytm Cash] 2 Bulbsmash]()
4.Once You Complete the Signup process You will get Rs.20 in Your bulbSmash Account.
5.Now Just Start Referring Your Friends to earn Paytm cash.
6.Minimum Redemption is Rs.50
7.To Redeem go to Menu and Redeem
How to Earn paytm cash
1.Go to Refer and earn section from the top bar.
2.click on share button to get your referral code.
3.share this code with your friends.
1.go to
no referral code option if used Facebook sign up