Flash.co Cashback Offer
Flash.co is a new shopping app that gives you cashback on every order, no coupons or links required. Simply create your own @flash.co email ID and use it to shop at any of the app’s partner brands. You’ll automatically earn cash back on every purchase, which you can then redeem for gift cards, vouchers, or even cash.

You need to create a new account on the listed shopping apps or update your existing email to flash.co email and place the order, once done you will get free cashback up to 100% for now Flash.co is offering flat Rs.100 cashback on shopping of Rs.199 from Amazon
How To Earn Cashback on Shopping With Flash.co App
1. First of all download Flash.co App from play store
2. Now download the app and install it, Open it.
3. Choose your flash.co email id for example [email protected]
You will get 25 coins as singup bonus

4. Now You can use this email ID in your existing Amazon account or any shopping account and keep using it as usual.

5. Now You will earn cashback for your orders online
Place an Order of Rs.199 + Earn Cashback of Rs.100
You can Link your email ID with Amazon and place an order of Rs.199.
1. Open Amazon App & Visit the Settings Page
2. Now UpdateYour email ID to Flash email or otherwise create a new account on amazon with @Flash email
3. Place any item from Amazon and be done, You will get Rs.100 cashback on the return period expire
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