Amazon OnePlus 6 Quiz Answers:- Amazon is Back with a new Quiz for Today Where You can Earn a Moto G6 Smartphone for Free. You have to Answer 5 Simple Questions which we have added Below and If You are Lucky You can Win a Moto G6 Smart Phone.
Total Prizes: 12![[Answers Added] Amazon Moto Quiz: Answer & Win G6 Smartphone 1 Amazon moto Quiz]()
![[Answers Added] Amazon Moto Quiz: Answer & Win G6 Smartphone 1 Amazon moto Quiz]()
Result Date : 31st July 2018
How to Participate in Amazon OnePlus 6 Quiz:-
- Download Amazon App From Play Store
- Open The app
- Login With You Details if you don’t have Amazon account then create one account
- Head over to Amazon App Dashboard
- Click on Moto g6 Quiz
Answes For Today’s Amazon Quiz:
1. I have a shutter, sometimes not just one but two, that works best when you say ‘Cheese’. What am I?
Answer:- Camera/Dual Camera
2. I am the ‘classic’ greeting you have probably heard of before, use me as a ringtone or sing it as a song
Answer:- Hello Moto
3.The Khaleesi has 3 like me, but I have the power to ‘snap’. Who am I?
Answer:- Snapdragon
4. Daft Punk won the Grammy in 2014 for me. But I’m also an essential part of your phone. Who am I?
Answer:- RAM
5. I am the newest member in the Moto G family. They say I’m a shutterbug, moviebuff, gamingpro and ‘designed with you in mind’. Who am I?
Answer: Moto G6
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